Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Getting A NYC SAT Tutor For Your Child

Getting A NYC SAT Tutor For Your ChildWhen you are trying to look for a NYC SAT Tutor, you will find that there are several different areas that you can look. The first is the area of the online review. If you have children who want to go to college, you may find that many of the students that attend schools online are trying to hire a tutor.You should consider asking friends if they know any great NYSAT tutors or NYC SAT tutors. You might also be able to find out information from a New York Times article. Another place to look is the phone book. If you look for schools in your area that provide NYC SAT tutoring, you will find that there are many options available.If you need help right away, you should choose an individual need and find out if they are a certified NYC SAT tutor. If they are, then you should ask them if they are able to offer some tutoring to you during the semester. Once you get this information, you can get to a website that has all the information you need about N YC SAT tutors.As you begin to get a feel for what you want, you can talk to your local NYC SAT tutors to get more information about NYC SAT tutoring. They should be able to tell you how much money it will cost, which institutions they recommend, what types of classes you can take and much more. Then you will be able to make a decision. If you get this information right away, you should have a better chance of finding the best NYC SAT tutor for your child.If you have already decided on a school district, you can call up NYC SAT tutors and ask questions. One important thing to consider is if the school district offers online classes. If you are looking at a NYC SAT tutor who does not offer online classes, then you will want to check to see if the district has tutoring centers where you can go to sign up. This can be beneficial because you will not have to commute or spend time traveling to a class.If you have decided on a school district and they do offer online classes, then you shou ld find out what NYC SAT tutors are in your area. Do not be surprised if the tutors that you have found do not offer tutoring at all. This is just as important because they are likely going to offer some type of credit to help you get started with college and their fee. Make sure you do some research to make sure they are the best tutors available.You will need to contact several NYC SAT tutors to determine if they offer the tutoring that you need. You will also want to ask them if they offer credit for a free tutor when you need one. If they do not, then you will want to be able to use their services, especially if your child is really struggling with a test. You will also want to know the duration of the tutoring.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why do we spell Doubt with a b in English

Why do we spell Doubt with a b in English I remember being curious about this when I was a child. Where does the b in doubt come from, when the word is pronounced like dowt?Even as an adult Ive wondered why English spelling isnt more like Spanish, where every word is spelled like it sounds. But, according to the TED video below, theres a good explanation for this spelling that actually made me appreciate the unusual way English words are sometimes spelled.  Watch the video below, then see if you can answer the listening questions below it.Write your answers in comments and well respond.Most folks cant ____ ___ what its doing there.Why would anyone in their _____ ___ reinsert a silent letter into a spelling?What does the expression above mean?If we look even deeper, we can see ____ __ ____ ___ __ doubt just revealing that B can be.It ____ ___ that if we ____ __ their history, we can see that they both derive from the same Latin forms.What does it mean when we second guess ourselves?What does it mean when we are of two minds?D o you think that this justifies the spelling of Doubt?Ok thanks! If youre interested, weve got classes to help you improve your English writing and English pronunciation too.

Alliance College Ready Public Schools

Alliance College â€" Ready Public Schools Alliance College â€" Ready Public Schools Alliance College-Ready Public Schools is the largest nonprofit charter organization in Los Angeles, serving 12,500 low-income families across 28 open enrollment public charter high schools and middle schools. Alliance schools significantly outperform traditional public schools across almost every measure; for example, 95% of Alliance students graduate high school in four years and 95% of Alliance graduates have been accepted to college. We are committed to hiring the most dedicated, qualified, and talented teachers, school leaders, and staff to join our team and serve our students. Alliance schools are small, with up to 150 students per grade level. They are designed to prepare students for the intellectual rigor of college coursework, equipping them with digital literacy skills required for 21stcentury careers. Alliance teaches logic, critical thinking, problem solving, and perseverance. All of this work is done within a technology-rich environment to personalize the student learning experience. Alliance aims for each of its schools to perform in the top quartile of all schools in California and for 75% of Alliance graduates to complete a four-year college degree.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Ways to Make Networking Less Intimidating

5 Ways to Make Networking Less Intimidating Image via Pexels Don’t Apologize:  It’s a natural instinct to want to say “sorry” when approaching or reaching out to someone. Though you may think it’s the most respectful thing to do, it shows the person you’re trying to network with that you’re not confident and most likely lacking professionalism,  Meridith Levinson  of notes. When approaching someone to build a connection, say something along the lines of “Hello! I don’t mean to take up much of your time, but…” This not only shows that you are considerate of their time, but it also shows that you are confident and strong in your communication skills. If you absolutely feel the urge to say that five letter word, just mutter it to yourself after you’re done talking to the person so they don’t hear it! Stray From the Term “Networking”: “Networking” has a heavy, intimidating connotation to it. For some, seeing or hearing the word can spiral them into an anxiety attack, stressing them out beyond belief. One way to make networking less intimidating is to abolish the term itself! If the word makes you feel like you have to be “something” or “someone,” try something else! The Editor of the Muse writes, “scratch that word altogether, and think of your next networking event as an open exchange â€" one with no pressure and plenty of opportunity. At an open exchange,” you’re free to  share ideas, contacts, information, and resources  with tons of interesting people.” Feels better already, right? Find Common Interests: What better way to build connections than to find common interests with others? If you can touch on a common interest or short/long term goal with someone, you can better connect with them, making the idea of exchanging ideas less intimidating. Authors Tiziana Casciaro, Francesca Gino, and Maryam Kouchaki of the Harvard Business Review write, “Numerous studies in social psychology have demonstrated that people establish the most collaborative and longest-lasting connections when they work together on tasks that require one another’s contributions.” Image via Pexels Host Your Own Get Together: This sounds informal, and maybe it is, but a small get together is a great way to get to know people and help reduce any anxieties you have about networking. The Editor of the Muse  suggests, “Email 10 of your friends, suggest a place and date, and ask each person to bring someone new. To keep the event more professional, you could plan a structured conversation about everyone’s career goals, the status of their job satisfaction, or even current industry trends.” Networking this way can help calm you and give you more of a sense of control of the people you talk to and the overall networking process! Utilize Social Media: Whether it’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., social media sites can be an easy way to connect with people and network at the click of your computer mouse. Fauzia Burke of the Huffington Post  notes, “Social media experts at, say that Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are whole package platforms â€" and are considered both social media (tools) and social networking (a way to engage). “ You can find people with common interests through your job social media pages on Facebook or Twitter, or by simply exploring different organizations and clubs in your area! Networking as an introverted person is not the easiest task. There’s no denying the fact that it can be hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to others. However, through slow and easy steps, you will find that it will be way less painful and overwhelming than you thought! As always, good luck!

How Digital Media Can Benefit Elementary Education

How Digital Media Can Benefit Elementary Education 5 Ways Elementary School Students Can Use Digital Media to Benefit Their Education Digital media is everywhere, and students of every age are now learning in a digital environment. The online world has so many things to offer including some distractions, so its important for younger students to know their limits and productively utilize digital media. When used appropriately, the online learning environment can benefit a student’s education immensely. Whether a student is working on improving their study habits and organization or exploring their environment, digital media is a great educational tool. 1. Study tools Digital media offers students some study tools from organizational apps to help with core subjects such as math and English. Students are encouraged to try some different apps geared towards their grade level to see if this type of digital organization is right for them. Online study tools, when created for younger students, are often most helpful when the user has guidance from a parent or educator. Also, students should utilize off-line tools to encourage a balance between the digital world and the physical one. 2. Online tutoring With the demands of todays classroom, many students need extra help from a supplemental educator. However, students dont always have time to commit to a regular schedule, or they may need help at the very last minute. With the advent of online tutoring, students can work for 30 minutes or 2 hours with their tutor and can get last minute help when they forget about an important assignment. Additionally, if students live in a remote area, they have an opportunity to work with any number of great tutors who dont happen to live close by. Online educational help is one of the greatest new opportunities for any student who lives in an area with internet access (check out our online tutoring platform 3. Research and exploration When students use online media, they have an opportunity to explore the world around them and learn about things they see in the physical world. Students can take a picture of an animal or plant and upload that picture online to find out what species it is or they can research weather patterns or climate change they see around them. Students ask all sorts of questions about their immediate environment but dont always know how to find the answers to these questions. Because of the short attention span that is common with their age, elementary school students are often no longer interested in their original query by the time they have a chance to go to the library at the weekend. Digital learning puts these answers at their fingertips. 4. Group study Elementary students can also work with other classmates in an online environment. Many students dont live close to each other but can get together online, with the help of a parent or tutor, to work with others on a group project or just to help encourage each other to complete assignments or work on a research project. Families are so busy these days that getting together in person can be a challenge but the digital environment is available 24/7 (READ: 5 Reasons to Hire an Orange County Private Tutor). 5. Bells and whistles Many elementary age students arent interested in learning unless there are a lot of extras involved and they want to be able to interact directly with their learning environment. There are tons of applications that give students exactly what they want in this respect and keep them entertained while helping them learn about reading, writing, or math. Because younger students get bored quicker, the digital environment can continuously be upgraded to suit their current educational needs. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

International School of Hyderabad (ISH)

International School of Hyderabad (ISH) International School of Hyderabad (ISH) The International School of Hyderabad (ISH) was founded in 1981 under the trusteeship of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), both non-profit organizations. This gives ISH the similar status of a school administered by a foreign/consular mission. ISH is formally managed by the Director General of ICRISAT with the help of ISH School Advisory Committee guiding the Head of School in leading and managing. The Head of School is responsible for the day-to-day operations. The first IGCSE Cambridge Exams was administered in 2003 and the first IB Diploma was given in 2007, when the first class of IB students graduated from ISH. ISH was the first school in India to receive international accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS) and continues to be accredited by CIS and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). ISH is also the first school in Telangana (former Andhra Pradesh) to be authorized to offer the IB diploma. ISH is an English medium, co-educational day school that provides education for children between the ages of 2 to 18 years old. At present our student body consists of over 400 students from more than20 different countries. The majority of the students at ISH are from overseas. That said, ISH is able to admit a limited number of Indian citizens. Over 34% of the ISH staff is international coming from 12 different countries. This is a really unique feature of ISH compared to other international schools in Hyderabad. The schools preferred class size is 15 students. ISH focuses on preparing students for university and indeed almost all our students go to prestigious universities across the world, with majority attending the universities in the United States and Canada. ISH believes that each student is unique. The school takes an individualized and personalized approach to learning. Our aim is to encourage each student to not only strive to achieve academic excellence but also aspire to become a socially aware and responsible individual who is well equipped to excel in a global society.

Chemistry Matter and Change - Why Its Essential

Chemistry Matter and Change - Why It's EssentialIn Chemistry Matter and Change, Dr. Steven Marcus presents a powerful new approach to teaching a real life science curriculum that makes the whole experience fun, engaging, and is engaging. This study guide is packed with activities, materials, and games to help students and teachers learn a new way of thinking about the world. You can expect to see more articles on this topic in the future as more people turn to this guide for their chemistry learning needs.The first thing to know about Chemistry Matter and Change is that there are nine chapters that are packed with interesting science topics including light, motion, and the water molecule. It includes content like the energy levels of different materials, resistance and acceleration, how bodies absorb light, and how these are related to electricity and magnetism. The activities, experiments, materials, and games are a combination of several topics that work together to bring out a rea l life science curriculum that is unique in a science textbook.These materials can be used in a number of ways, but the best part is that they are a good use of what you already know about chemistry. As you can tell by now, the key for many chemistry teachers is to keep a big picture in mind that just involves the subject matter of their class. When you learn by doing instead of reading material, you will be able to build much more of a relationship with your students that is important for building good test scores.This study guide also includes plenty of excellent quality science information. Whether you are looking for information on thermodynamics, the molecular structure of proteins, or more, you can find it all in this study guide. In addition to the chapters of this guide, Dr. Marcus also includes a set of multimedia content to go along with this learning material that is completely free to download and use.A large part of using materials like this is to make sure that you hav e a set of science classroom ideas in place that will make the entire process as easy as possible. You can download materials, play games, and watch videos do all the hard work for you. This approach is excellent because it makes the material much more interactive and fun to learn.In addition to the materials, it includes printable materials that you can download at your convenience. It includes lecture notes, complete graphs, and detailed pictures that you can print out and use as a resource for your science classroom activities. These materials are sure to make your learning experience a lot easier when it comes to understanding your own material and applying it to the real world.If you are interested in knowing more about Chemistry Matter and Change, this study guide can help you get a better grasp on what you need to learn. It is written by a chemist that has many years of experience as a chemistry teacher and content creator. He also has experience developing games, quizzes, an d other activities that will help you with your teaching and learning needs.